HDR Photography

Foothills Real Estate Media specializes in offering top-tier photography services tailored to highlight the unique charm and features of each property we arrive at.

Our experienced team employs advanced techniques to craft visually stunning images that not only attract potential buyers but also effectively convey the desired feeling and intricate details of each home.

Team up with us to elevate your brand's presence by ensuring a consistent delivery of exceptional and captivating imagery to your clients. Let's reinforce your commitment to professionalism and aesthetic excellence!

What is HDR Photography?

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which is a photography technique that ensures that details in both the lightest and darkest parts of the photo are captured.

Essentially, HDR blends a series of multiple photos taken at different exposures resulting in a more balanced, and visually appealing image - making it the perfect option for real estate photography.

Benefits of Using HDR Photos in Your Property Listings


Listings with professional photography such as HDR images, can sell for up to 47% more per square foot compared to listings with amateur photography.


According to industry experts, homes with professional photos sell 32% faster than those with lackluster images​. Reducing the days on market is of course a desirable outcome for both agent and seller!


High-quality images convey professionalism, helping agents solidify a trustworthy brand and portraying to clients that they put a high level of effort into all marketing endeavors.